Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Random Act of Kindness

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
More pictures of the day!

Home from work. Watching movies and eating peppermint icecream.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
It's beginning to look a BIT like Christmas!

Last night was our work Christmas party. It was Ok. The food was pretty good! I received a Christmas Cookie Candle from Yankee Candle! Which is my favorite! Yay! The real fun was when Ben opened his gift, a marshmallow shooter! Everyone had to give it a try! Sorry about all the blurry photos! Something is wrong with my camera!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Another day!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
December Daily!
Here are my pictures for December 1st and December 3rd :D

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
I got my Cricut Expressions! Yahoo!
The Police were ready!
Waiting in line to purchase the Cricut Expressions!
Sitting on the floor in the living room!
Hey, a girl has to play! Thanks Mom and Dad for a great Christmas present!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Gobble,Gobble, Gobble!

I'm going to get my Christmas Present! A Cricut Expressions! Thanks Mom and Dad! As my former students at St. Johnsbury Academy use to say, "She has elbows and she is not afraid to use them"!
As any normal life artist would do I will bring my camera to document the insanity known as Black Friday. There are just some things you need to experience at least once in life. For example, New Years Eve in Time Square! I've done that! Go to the midnight showing of a movie! Done that! Now early morning BLACK FRIDAY shopping is next on my list! Wish me luck!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Of Coin Jars, Chocolate Brownies, and Guilty Pleasures!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
When did you last use the edge of a coin (or a knife blade) as a screwdriver? This past summer, I was trying to put batteries in a toy. So I thought a penny would make a great screwdriver. Nope...it didn't. The knife blade worked!
When did you last use a wire coat-hanger to break into a car?
Last fall, I locked my keys in the car. They were sitting nicely on the passenger seat. My passenger side window was slightly ajar! So the director at work and myself rigged up a contraption with a giant plastic candy cane and a wire coat hanger to get my keys out the window! Ha! It workd too!
When did you last use food or drink as medication?
Does Hot Chocolate count. I'm feeling a little bit chilled right now! So I'm drinking peppermint Hot Chocolate!
When did you last use your cellular telephone as a flashlight? Yesturday morning! I used Michael's cellphone as a flashlight to find the cellphone charger to plug in his cellphone! I use my cellphone as a flashlight quite often! Especially when I'm trying to find a work shirt in the bedroom while Michael is still sleeping!
When did you last use a paper clip for any purpose other than to clip paper?
I'm sure it was to get something small out of a toy! :D :D
Saturday, November 15, 2008
I have the grumpies today!!!

The Cricut Expression! What my Mom has that I REALLY WANT!The stuff I lugged to work on Tuesday!
Scrapbooking Club is catching on!!!

I'm reading Twilight just to see what all the fuss is about! It is very good so far!