Saturday, July 25, 2009
To Church or Maybe Not to Church that is the question.
Both Michael and I have seen the "dark" side of churches. We've been hurt in the church. Personally I still feel hurt by some issues from a church I was on staff with. I know that was quite a while ago. While working at a church, church become "work". It was hard to separate "work" from being a member of a congregation of believers. So my spiritual life suffered. Since I was involved in Children's Ministry I was unable to attend services at that church. While I did sometimes attend service at another church, I never made much of a connection there because I didn't have the time to really get involved.There have been highs and lows since then.
It's important to be to be connected to a church. I don't just want to go to a service on Sunday and be done with it for the week. No, I want to connect, all or nothing. Yet, I am somewhat afraid of connecting. Does that make any sense? The wonderful people at Grace Church have welcomed us and have opened their homes to us, but I still find that my desire to run away and not get to close is still there. I'm afraid to let people in, to see the "real" me. While we hate not being noticed its also hard when you are noticed. It's harder to run away.
That being said, honestly and deep down we both really want to make a connection here in this area. We have the people that we work with and thats about it. Michael and I both have a heart to serve. At Grace we have found that it is quite hard to jump into a ministry. Both of us have contacted the youth and children's department to inquire about helping. No reply. They put pleas for help in the bulletin for Sunday School Teachers. I e-mail, still no reply. Honestly when I was in a leadership role if anyone ever e-mailed me about helping I contacted them within 24 hours and I was jumping for joy that someone actually volunteered to serve instead of being "asked" to volunteer. So 5 e-mails later. No contact. I sent in my Ministry application. No reply.
While writing this I have come to realise that perhaps the reason that we have not felt compelled to attend church is because we have moved beyond the "spectator" into the "joining the mission phase". Then without any viable way to "join the mission" we have stalled. What should the next step be? Where should we go from here? Should we change churches once again? Should we give up going to church at all? Should we stick it out? What should we do?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Working with Photo grids!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Friday, July 3, 2009
Shame Shame Target and Reality Tuesday Coffeehouse Rocks!
I was not pleased with my experience at the Target store in Florence last Sunday. I normally print my pictures at Kroger or Sam's Club. Yet, the photo machine at Sam's club was down. So I sent my pictures to Target. Here is my beef about Target.
This creepy bird was in this creepy tree! I thought it looked very cool!
These beautiful are on the corner by our place!
Yummy! Yummy! Yummy! Reality Tuesday is our new favorite spot to hang out!
I drive by this place everyday on the way to work! I usually in such a hurry to get to work so I've never stopped. Michael and I were driving by it this evening and I told him that I wanted to check it out! I am so glad we did!
I had a large Grasshopper Smoothie. It's heaven in a cup! Yummy chocolate, oreo cookies, and mint! Yummy! Michael had a caramel smoothie! Loved the straws! They were really big. Just perfect. Nothing got stuck in them :D We shared a HUGE piece of oreo cheese cake! Heavinly :D
The decor was a bit kitchyand fun. It reminds me of a large comfty kitchen. There were lots of missmatched tables and chairs. I sat in a large stuffed living room chair. Calming lighting. Nice big windows that let in the evening sun!Awwwww relaxation!
Loved this place! They have live music there. They serve fairtrade coffee! The staff is soooo friendly. They support local artist! Love, Love,Love this place! They also do custom order cakes!
We will be back soon!!!!
I have been wanting this book for a while! Wow! The project in this book are awesome! Very inspiring :D
Guess what! A new part of my job is the official photographer! Yahoo! So I get to go to all the schools take pictures, interview teachers about what is happening and help with the website. I also get to blog about what is happening at the schools! How awsome!! I get to blog,take pictures, read fabulous children's books, dress in crazy costumes, and write. I do have my dream job!