Saturday, January 23, 2010
Whoopie Pies: Where did I go wrong?
A fine morning out!
After breakfast we headed over to the Know Theatre to see "Stories of the Brother's Grimm". One of Michael's co-workers was in the show and invited us to check it out! What a great morning!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Recent Online Finds and my Cheesehead husband!
I am loving the Hello, Good Gravy! blog! Whoa! It it is full of great giveaways, creative eye-candy, and fun stuff! The artist is also a real sweetheart, even if she doesn't like REAL maple syrup!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The one thing that really had me thinking was MONEY. I like money. I know it is a motivator. I like getting paid. Yet, would I still do this job if I wasn't paid? Honestly, Yes! While I am glad that I get paid. Ok,really glad! Money is not the main motivator. That's not what gets me up and out of bed each morning.
What does get me up and out in the morning? Phrases like this:
* That was a good book!
I have been thinking a lot lately about volunteerism. Seeing all the pictures and videos coming out of Haiti have rocked me to my core. How can this be someplace on earth in the year 2010? It really feels surreal. I feel helpless. I want to help in some way. A donation to the Red Cross and a package of water just doesn't seem like enough. I want to do more! I believe with all my heart that small acts of kindness can add up and truly do make a difference.
I am jumping on the Word of the Year bandwagon. Check here and here for more information! Resolutions are easy to break. By now most people have already forgotten their New Years Resolutions. In choosing a word of the year it gives me something "BIG" to go for this year. More of a purpose!
My word for the year is GIVE
Give (g
2. To convey by a physical action:
3.To bestow, especially officially; confer:
5.To devote or contribute:
Sunday, January 17, 2010
No Maple Syrup
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Raspberry and Red Velvet Trifle!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Kids say the funniest things
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Working on my New Years To-Do list!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Recent Projects
Warming Up!
Friday, January 8, 2010
New Crafty Goodies
Here is a great video tutorial!
Just wanted to share my recent goodies!
What I'm reading now: Blogging for Bliss
Just before Christmas I treated myself to this lovely book!
7 Reasons why this book is fantastic
1. Lots of fun creative eye-candy!
2. This book features blurbs about many popular bloggers such as
Alicia Paulson: Posie Get Cozy
Serena Thompson: Farm Chicks
Lisa Tutman Oglesby: Celebrate Creativity in all its forms
Jennifer Perkins: Naughty Secretary Club
3. An awesome chapter on starting a blog
4. Helpful Html codes
5. Blogger Etiquette
6. Tons of tips on increasing traffic to your blog
7. A stupendous glossary of blog related terms
This is a great go to resource for anyone who is interested in starting a blog or bumping their blog up to the next level. I've kept this book in my bag for about 3 weeks and have pulled it out for reading during lunch breaks and before bedtime! Its been a pleasure to read!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Scrapbooking: Dangerous to National Security?
I often bring my cutter bee scissors to work when I am working on bulletin board projects. They are usually with me on days that I have the afterschool scrapbooking club! I keep them in the side pocket of my camera bag for easy access.
During our trip east for Christmas, Michael and I took the ferry out to see Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. The only thing I took along with me was my camera bag. Before getting on the ferry each passenger is subjected to a security screening. No problem I thought, I don't have anything to hide. So my camera bag is put through the scanner. It took quite a while for the bag to go through. Then the security officers asked if they could open up my bag. I still didn't have a problem. Then they pulled out the scissors.
I was questioned about what they were. Duh....SCISSORS! I was told that I could NOT take take them with me. They would have to be destroyed. Those are $10 scissors. I asked if I could take them to my car. Sure, but the next ferry was leaving in five minutes.
What to do? What to do? Leave them and loose a great pair of scissors or take them to the car that was 1/2 a mile away and miss the ferry? Michael being the practical man that he is said that I could just get a new pair. Painfully, I allowed my precious scissors to be taken away.
So my faithful scrapbooking friends, please be careful! You may be asked to sacrifice an important scrapbooking tool in the name of National Security.
Have a good night!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Going insane: A tale of a city in distress before a flake has fallen!
Growing up in Vermont, I know snow. 4 inches there is just a minor dusting. The road crews in Vermont would have it taken care of by 7:30am. The problem here is that they just don't know how to take care of the snow. There doesn't seem to be a very good plan for clearing the neighborhood streets. Back in 2004, when we had that huge snowstorm just before Christmas. It took four days before our street was cleared and the only reason is a guy who lived in our neighborhood worked for the city. Hmmmm!
So what am I to do?
A: Go into a panicked frenzy
B: Lay tarps on the front walkway to catch the snow. Then at 5:00am drag the snow over to the neighbor's front walkway. Those snow drifts are killer this year!
C: Curl up with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate. Laugh because of my superior ability to handle any weather situation! Ha!
Sleep Dreams!
Recap of the Last Decade!
2. Camp Sonshine: The happiest place on earth! Sorry Disney, you have been dethroned!

4. Moved back to Vermont to work at St. Johnsbury Academy. Loved it! Miss it!
5. Moved to California! It was "the thing" to move to Colorado or California. I chose California. It was beautiful there. It was HOT there. I lived in the desert! What was I thinking? I had the opportunity to meet some really wonderful people. My only regret was that I didn't have a car, I would have really liked to explore more of the state. I did get up to San Diego a couple of times. It was beautiful! The weather was perfect!

7. Worked at CHPC. During the summer of 2004 I was a children's ministry intern at College Hill Presbyterian church. It was a great experience. I was super excited to be asked to join the staff of the church after the internship! It was a great year working there. I got bogged down with the "business" of the church. I didn't feel like I was free to do what God was calling me to do. So I left. That was a really tough ! I loved the kids and families there! The kids I worked with in the 6th grade youth group are now in 10th and 11th grade. They are driving cars and having boyfriends. Its sooooooooo weird! I feel old!
8. I met and married Michael! What cool guy! I love him and I like him too! That's important I think. He challenges me! I like that, even if I hate that. Does that make any sense? We had the coolest wedding! It was very us! We had pie instead of cake. I threw a bunch of lollipops instead of flowers. It was just fun!

4. Blog more! Make more blog friends!
5. Go to some kind of conference. A bloggers conference. A teacher's convention.
A storytelling conference
6. Write a children's book
7. Take a photography class!
8. Make a scrapbook using my parents and Grandparents pictures. I don't want my Grandparents stories to be lost.
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010