Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
A Chilly Day and a Give-away
Taking an extra day off of work to just relax and unwind from the Christmas holiday! Feels great to do nothing. I did throw in a load or two of laundry.
It's snowing right now! In Kentucky! (Insert a happy little dance). Enjoying a cup of hot vanilla in my favorite mug. Yummy

Hot Vanilla
- 1 cup Milk
- 2 teaspoons white sugar
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
- 2 tablespoons Cool Whip
- 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup plus a little more to drizzle
1. Pour milk in mug
2. Add sugar and vanilla. Heat for 1 ½ minutes
3. In a separate small dish combine cool whip and chocolate syrup.
4. Take warmed milk out of microwave. Top with the chocolate cool whip mixture
5. Drizzle with chocolate syrup
In honor of my new blog. I have put together a little giveaway. Just leave a comment below with your name and a favorite winter tradition. On January 1st at 10:00am Eastern time I will draw a name and send out the goodies!
On my New Year's To-Do list is to add to my collection of childrens books. This is one of my favorites!
Have a lovely day!
From the Welcome Wagon!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Live from PA: It's Christmas!
Michael and I are still on vacation in PA. What a lovely trip! Very relaxing!! We are enjoying good times with family and friends!
A few new changes for the new year. I am starting a new blog! Life of a preschool does not really fit anymore! More info about that later!
I am going to be hosting a little give-away on my new blog so be on the lookout for that!
Until later!
Have a lovely weekend!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Scamming a Charity at Christmas Time
Today one of the articles really disturbed me. It was about a local program run by the local fire department. The program provides gifts and food for needy families in the area. The article talked about a Craigslist ad that told people how to get "free" gifts by applying to be part of the"Santa Fund" program. The author of this "ad" described how they have been scamming this program for years and nobody has ever asked questions. The gifts and food just show up on their doorstep.
I have been poor before in my life. It is a very humbling experience. For many poor people it is very difficult to ask for help, even when you really do need the help.In our society we are taught that if you work hard that you will always have what you need. There are many hard working people out there who still struggle to pay the rent, provide clothing and food for their families. Are they less deserving of a nice place to live, a full belly and a good education? I don't think so . It just turns my stomach to hear of people abusing the systems set up for people who are really in need.
After reading this article I just wanted to cry. How dare someone who is just greedy and lazy take handouts just because they can. Just because its easy and nobody asks any questions. They should feel downright ashamed of themselves. It is situations like this that cause many social services to be limited, because lets face it, people don't want to give to greedy people. Most people are willing to give something for someone who is really in need.
Is this going to cause me to think twice about donations to charity? No. Am I able to give millions of dollars? Not at this point. Can I give a pair of shoes, or pants, or a book to a cause I care about ? Yes I can.
While honestly, I sometimes get bogged down with horrible stories like this, I still try to remember all the good that really does happen out there.
Have a lovely evening
Friday, December 11, 2009
Tis' the Season to be Jolly!
I am really into the Christmas spirit this year! Been having a lot of fun making/putting gifts together for family and friends. I love having projects to do. I love the whole process of coming up with an idea, getting the supplies together, creating, and then seeing the finished product and then sharing it with others. It is so gratifying to start with something as simple a pretzels and M&Ms and then creating a cute little treat for my co-workers.
So I found this recipe on Becky Higgins' blog. Soooo yummy!
Am super pleased with how the whole packaging came together. I found the little bags at Walmart. Just printed out the sentiment on my home computer and punched them using a tag punch! Easy!!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Footwear,CPR Induced Backaches, and books
As per-usual, I got lost on the way to the class. Thankfully I didn't go too far out of the way. I get lost coming out of a store in the mall. When I finally arrived I felt like a celebrity as several people cheered when I walked in the door. I can't help that I'm a celebrity! Wink, Wink!
The instructor, Mrs. Craycraft is quite a character. Totally worth driving 50 miles. She's spunky, has great stories, and she knows her stuff. Thats important. This is the third class I've taken with her. Her husband and son were there. She introduced her son by saying that he "needs a wife" One of my co-workers raised her hand. Poor guy, he was totally blushing. Fun! Fun!
After taking the CPR class I realised that I am not as flexable as I thought. Bending over those CPR maniquins hurt my back. Its just not a natural position to be in. Hopefully if I ever have to perform CPR that adrenaline will kick in, because giving CPR is worse than yoga or pilaties.
Tips for taking a CPR class.
1. Wear Stretchy pants that cover your be-hind! I saw a lot of cracks. I know in a real situation your not going to care about your bootie hanging out of your pants. In class...just say no to "crack".
2. Wear a long shirt that buttons up or has a rather high neck.
3. Wear your hair up to keep it out of your face.
4. Do some stretches ahead of time.
5. Keep this list to remind me of these rules in 2 years when I have to take the class again.
During the CPR class one of my fellow students was wearing shoes like this!

I have never seen anything like this before. So with a little google search I found that they are athletic shoes. While I'm sure they serve their purpose, the idea of wearing gloves on my feet just does not sound appealing. They look like ape feet to me! Oh well. They are unique and heck they are a conversation starter. I'm all for wearing or bringing strange stuff to start a conversation!
After stocking up on shoes we headed over the BORDERS.Yay Books. What should I find but
Yay! I saw the ad in Creating Keepsakes a few months ago and I knew I had to have it! So cute! After seeing this book in my hand, Michael "suggested" that I get rid of som other books before I buy any more. Yet,I wanted the book. Hmmmmm.....So I promised to purge my bookcase. Michael, being the smart man that he is,did not believe me. So in order to prove him wrong, once we got home, I removed FOURTEEN unwanted books to donate to the library. So a win-win-win situation for everyone.
#1: I got the book that I wanted!
#2: I supported the scrapbooking industry by buying this book!
#3: I got rid of some unwanted books that are just sitting on my shelves(unread). Thus leaving more space on our already bursting shelves!
#4: The money that the library will receive from selling my unused books will be used to support scholarships to future librarians and contine the wonderful work of the modile library van.
I love when I am able to justify scrapbooking purchases!
Thats all for now! Have a lovely Sunday!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Big Butter Jesus, Jellybean People, and Church
Outside of the Dayton Art Museum was this piece. Michael was transfixed by it. He stood for over 5 minutes just looking at it.
Here was my favorite piece at the museum. The Jellybean People! Basically it was two old department store maniquins covered with jellybeans and shallaced within an itch of its life. Behind the jellybean people were thousands of hand painted paper butterflies that would take turns fluttering. I'm not sure if their was suppose to be some kind of "artistic" meaning to it. Sometimes, I think people try to put to much "arty-ness" into art. Couldn't it be that the artist just really liked jellybeans and butterflys? Does it have to have some deeper meaning?
Here was my art this morning. I made pumpkin muffins with cinnamon and brown sugar topping. I made them because I love muffins and brown sugar. There is no other motive besides the like of food that made me create these muffins! Ha!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I want another icecream sandwich!

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tribute...Ummm.....Sunday : Favorite Teacher
I love school. I have always loved school. Middle school and college were horrible, but elementary school and high school were fabulous. I loved High School! No, I wasn't the Home Coming Queen or the star soccer player. I was a pretty average teenager, maybe a little bit more boy crazy than most.

What made my experience extraordinary was the school, St. Johnsbury Academy is a day and boarding school in Vermont. Having grown up in Vermont, I had little opportunity to experience people from other cultures. I had gone to school with the same twenty-five or so kids my entire school career. I remember my middle school guidance counselor telling me that I would "blossom" once I was at the Academy. I did!
The Academy community is steeped in tradition open to creativity and innovation. Being at the Academy is like being at home and in the world at the same time. My classmates were from Japan, Germany, Indonesia, Spain, and Bermuda. What an opportunity for a girl from small town Vermont to meet others from all across the world. I soaked in any opportunity to befriend fellow students from other countries.
I had many amazing teachers in high school. One of my most memorable teachers was Mrs. Carol Zuccaro. Mrs. Zuccaro was my tenth grade English teacher. I remember her as a small woman with a warm personality and a honey sweet voice. She treated everyone warmth and respect. I remember how she encouraged me in my writing. No matter how outrageous an idea I would have, she would always be available to help flesh it out.
Many projects still stick in my mind as extraordinary, even thirteen years later. We had just finished reading Oedipus and our class was given a challenge. We were to re-write the legend and then later perform it in the school's amphitheatre. My classmates worked diligently at our task. We worked together to creatively rework the old language while still keeping the integrity of the legend intact. We worked on costumes and set pieces. Everyone did their fair share. It was team work in action! I don't remember Mrs. Zuccaro micro-managing us. She kept silent, and let us take the project in the direction we wanted. She offered assistance and provided us with references. An outstanding teachers provides tools and opportunities to help you soar!
Another project I remember was the opportunity to be pen pals with a classroom of students from New Mexico. In 1996, the Internet was just beginning to emerge in our tiny community. Communicating with students across the country on the computer was fascinating to me. The Internet is still fascinating to me! Mrs.Zuccaro helped stoke the fires of my interest in other cultures. She is the reason why I went to school for travel and hospitality.
After college, I returned to the Academy to work. I once again got the opportunity to experience her sincerity and her genuine thirst for life and knowledge. I deeply wanted the opportunity to thank Mrs. Zuccaro for being such an inspiration. One day during a break, I headed down to the local flower shop to pick up some roses and a card. I don't remember what I wrote in the card. I do know that I didn't sign my name. I left the flowers outside of her classroom door. A few of the students in her class saw me leaving l the flowers. Through the grapevine I heard that she thought her husband or her priest must have left the flowers for her. It tickles me to have that little secret.
Each week, as I share books with hundreds of students I strive to be a warm, caring, and encouraging influence. I hope to inspire my students to greatness in the way that Mrs. Zuccaro has inspired me!

Friday, November 6, 2009
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just Thinking
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Things I Love and Hate Right Now
A guilty pleasure kinda show!
A favorite cool weather favorite
Things I Hate

Have a lovely evening!
Playing Along with Mayhem and Moxie
Sunday, October 11, 2009
New with Me

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Michael was very excited to have Ben here. The two of them played computer games pretty much non-stop. We did go out to eat a bit! On Friday, Michael took them to the zoo. We had some free tickets! I can't believe it but we will be up to see them in New Jersey in about three weeks! Exciting! We've seen them a lot this year!! I'm sure not complaining.
Back to what I talked about last week. I still would like to leave Kentucky and move closer to family. Michael and I talked about it and I understand a little bit more about his reasoning, it sucks, but I understand. We are both blessed to have good jobs! We are blessed to live in an area that has a pretty cheap price of living. So maybe in 2 to 3 years we might make the jump up North. If we win the lottery, maybe less time. Ha! Ha! Ha! Till then, I really need to make an effort to get more involved here. In about a month I will have been in this area for 5 years. Wow. That seems like a lot. I have not made any effort at all to connect here. Now is the time to do that. Why is it so hard for me?
Off to make some breakfast!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
I am really struggling with the fact that I would love to move closer to our families. Michael's family is an eleven hour drive. My family is a seventeen hour drive. That is just too much. I feel like we miss out on a lot with our families. I'm not saying that we have to move to the same town that my family or his family live in. I just want to live closer. Michael's best friends live about an hour away from Michael's siblings and parents. Michael would love to be able to spend more time with them. I just don't understand why Michael does not want to move closer. I understand that he likes his job here. I LOVE my job here, but would not give it a second thought if we would move someplace like Carlise, PA. or Bennington, Vermont. Another plus is that we could get away from the horrible humid weather here in Kentucky. Its September, it is time for lovely sweaters, apples, and colored leaves. We should not have to use our AC at night. Blah! Can you tell I'm frustrated about this?
I love this photo of Michael and Nat. Look how happy Michael is! Case Photo #1 for moving closer to family. Nat is almost 1 and a half. She is never still. So this picture was really a miracle!
Michael's Mom has us get a family photo for her Christmas cards each year. This one was pretty good!
Here is Michael with his Mom!
Celebrating Marvin's birthday! Ha! It looks like he's on fire!
Michael and I will be heading back north at the end of October. My high school has a home coming weekend. We had a good time last year so we are going again! Plus I get to see more of this face!