A week ago Michael and I were visiting family and friends "up-north". While it was a very quick trip, I so needed it. Just needed a change from my looooooong commutes from Kentucky to the northern 'burbs of Cincinnati. To be honest all that driving has made me a bit "crazy". I know I talk about it a lot, but its a huge part of my life that I really dislike. So much wasted time.
Anyway, back to our trip, it was WONDERFUL! For once, I actually wasn't sick. I had a bit of a cough, but I actually felt really good. It is a joke with Michael and myself that I always get sick when we visit his family. I love his family! I got to take loads of pictures of the nieces and
nephews. One of the best questions I've ever heard came from my 4 year old nephew. He asked me what I love like he loves trains. What a great question! That kid is a thinker! I told him that I love
scrapbooking and taking pictures. Then I asked him if I could take his picture. He said that he would have to take a picture of me first. So he went and got his toy camera and took a picture of me. Then he let me take a picture of him! Look you can see the toy camera in his hand!

On our trip we also went to New Jersey for the baptism of a friend's baby. Michael was asked to be the Godfather. Which Michael is really tickled about. He
randomly says, "I'm the Godfather!" Then he laughs! My husband is too cute! The baby is also adorable. Little Anna is such a good baby. She has her Dad's
layedback personality. Ben and Sara are really good parents and you can just tell they adore their little lady! They are coming to see us on Tuesday!
Yay! Michael will get to play tons of video games and Sara and I will go to Babies R Us!

I am really struggling with the fact that I would love to move closer to our families. Michael's family is an eleven hour drive. My family is a seventeen hour drive. That is just too much. I feel like we miss out on a lot with our families. I'm not saying that we have to move to the same town that my family or his family live in. I just want to live closer. Michael's best friends live about an hour away from Michael's siblings and parents. Michael would love to be able to spend more time with them. I just don't understand why Michael does not want to move closer. I understand that he likes his job here. I LOVE my job here, but would not give it a second thought if we would move someplace like Carlise, PA. or Bennington, Vermont. Another plus is that we could get away from the horrible humid weather here in Kentucky. Its September, it is time for lovely sweaters, apples, and colored leaves. We should not have to use our AC at night. Blah! Can you tell I'm frustrated about this?

I love this photo of Michael and Nat. Look how happy Michael is! Case Photo #1 for moving closer to family. Nat is almost 1 and a half. She is never still. So this picture was really a miracle!

Here are all the kiddos! They are sooooooooo adorable. The little guy in the yellow shirt was yelling "CHEESE" at the top of his lungs. It was cute!

Michael's Mom has us get a family photo for her Christmas cards each year. This one was pretty good!

Here is Michael with his Mom!

Celebrating Marvin's birthday! Ha! It looks like he's on fire!
Michael and I will be heading back north at the end of October. My high school has a home coming weekend. We had a good time last year so we are going again! Plus I get to see more of this face!
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