With my current job I go to 5 different schools each week. 5 schools worth of germs to pick up. I try really hard to wash my hands after every class. I'm sick again. Another Sinus Infection with lots of Fluid in the ears. Happy! Michal's friends Ben and Sara came for a visit this weekend. I tried really hard all week not to get sick. Staying away from coughing children. Washing my hands a lot. Using hand sanitizer. But noooooooooo.......another Sinus infection. We made jokes that I must be allergic to Ben because whenever I see him I am sick. No I am not allergic to Ben or any of his friends or family. I just have wonderful timing!
It was a good weekend Here are so pics. On saturday we went to the Creation Museum. Wow is all I have to say. It is so much different than I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be some rinkety old museum, but nooooooooooo it is really beautiful and well done!
Ben says "Grrrrrrrrrr"
Ben and Mike are too cool!
Ben and his wife Sara are expecting a baby this summer.
Sara and Ben enjoying Cincinnati's finest ice cream!

Me right now! My ears are full of stuff and this is the only way I can feel comfortable!
Have a good night!
Looks like she got the finest flavor too...black raspberry chip! Mmm! I haven't been to the Creation Museum, but my sister said it was really great!