Monday, March 23, 2009

My most recent Project

This past weekend I had the opportunity to photograph the women's ministry event at my church! It was a lot of fun! Having my camera gave me the opportunity to talk with a lot of people. I am usually very uncomforatable being in a room of people that I don't know. So the camera gave me a talking point! :D

So here is a little package that I put together for the women's ministry leader. I included all my pictures on a CD. I made the CD cover on Photoshop. I also made a photo collage. Finally I printed out my favorite shots of the day and put them in a little mini album!!! I can't wait for her to get them :D
Inside the album. Sorry the picture is so yellow :(

The CD Cover
The Album cover


  1. I love it all! What a fun little package. So fun! I'm glad you enjoyed doing it too. Did they request a photographer or did you offer? So many things like that prob don't get photographed but it's great to have those pics for websites, flyers, power point, etc. later too!

  2. What a great little album. I'm with you - having my camera at a function does give me a talking point. I love what you did for the covers!
