Today I took pictures of the Pre-Kindergarten graduates! So cute! I wish I could show all the pictures, I got some really cute ones! Yet, I don't like putting pictures of kids up that I am not related to! This little kiddo above just knew how to pose! It was very funny!
I have been doing a painting project with a few of the Kindergarten classes! Its been fun! I always manage to get painty :D
Gene and Kevin playing Corn Hole
They were not happy that I was taking their picture :P
Michael and I were at Goodwill this weekend! When Michael saw this he declared "THATS IT! That is perfect for your ribbon! Isn't my husband sweet!? I'm going to change it up a bit and paint it! He was right it is just the perfect size!
This is me with my new favorite drink. I haven't had soda since Easter, so I've been trying different juices, teas, and water beverages! So far this is my favorite. It's Snapple Red Tea Raspberry and Pomagranite (Spelling anyone??) Anyway...It is YUM, YUM, YUMMY :D I could drink a case of this in a day!
So thats what is going on with me!
Have a lovely day!
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