Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Try It: Rainbow Salad

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!! 
This is a little something that I made for one of the preschool classes!

Red: Strawberries
Orange: Cantaloupe and Oranges
Green: Kiwi
Blue: Blueberries
Purple: Purple Grapes 
 The Gold at the End of the Rainbow: Vanilla Wafers

The children really seemed to to enjoy the fruit. When I served it to the children I asked them what colors of the rainbow they wanted. Many of the kids even tried a new fruit or two.


  1. Okay, seriously: the marshmallows. It totally completes this adorable idea. I'm going to make this for my kids...they'll love it!

  2. Very clever and healthy to boot - looks good !!

  3. Loving your site and what an amazing idea for the rainbow. Following you now - !!!

  4. I made a rainbow like that one year, but put the fruit on Bamboo turned out cute like yours...I like the marshmallows (I didn't think of that!) By the way I just found your blog and am going to buy that book "the happiness project"...I NEED to read it!
