Thursday, January 21, 2016
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Blog Moving
This blog has moved! I will be writing over at Pocketful of Miscellany! Come check it out!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Try It Tuesday: Freezer Jam
For over a year I have been interested in learning how to can! I've read bunches of books and watched plenty of Youtube videos!
I found this video about making Freezer Jam. It seemed pretty easy to me!
I purchased two packages of 8oz. jar. Each package has five jars. Love the purple lids!
Here is the pectin that I used. It is especially for making freezer jam.
Three containers of starwberries
Crushing them with a potato masher was especially fun!
All three containers of berries mushed up!
Sugar and Pectin
The berries mixed in with the sugar and pectin.
Three containers of strawberries made seven 8oz. containers of jam.
Freezer jam is delicious. It was super easy to make and tastes wonderful on whole wheat toast. This is a good and safe first step into food preservation.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Memory Monday: Memorial Day Week
Michael and I took a little trip to Pennsylvania during Memorial Day week! We had such a great time! It was so relaxing! The weather couldn't have been better! Here are a few pics of our trip!
Our niece Nat watching her brother's soccer game.
Mr. I after his soccer game
Swimming and Ice Pops! What could be better?
Our niece, the adorable water baby!
Ms. G, Mr. I, and Uncle Michael
Mr. I at the beach!
Michael and I at the Jersey Shore
My sister-in-law Michelle! She is lovely!
My other sister-in law Jill. We had a great chat!
My brother-in-law and our nephew Mr. M. !
What a great trip! Wish we lived closer!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
New Hobby:Strategic Shopping Part 2

Here are a few more saving tips!
6. Look at Package to Determine Best Deal
Bigger is not always better. Check the packages out! For example, yesterday I purchased two 5lbs. bags of flour for $1.67 each. Most people if they wanted 10 lbs. of flour they would just get the 10lbs. bag. That was not the best deal! The 10 lbs. bag of flour cost $4.50. By purchasing two 5lbs. bags of flour instead of the 10lbs. bags I saved $1.16.
7. Carefully read the sales tags!
Here is a secret that the supermarkets don't want you to know, you don't always have to buy the suggested number of items to get the discounted price. This week at my grocery store, 1/2 gallons of milk were on sale for 4 for $5.00 or for $1.25 each. I looked at the sales tag and there was no mention of having to actually by four 1/2 gallons of milk. I don't need two gallons of milk. So I purchased two 1/2 gallons of milk which cost me $2.50. So why didn't I buy a 1 gallon jug of milk? The price of a 1 gallon jug of milk was $2.99. By purchasing two 1/2 gallon jugs instead of a 1 gallon jug of milk, I saved $.49.
8. Shop Early!
I am not a fan of large crowds. That is a personal preference. A year ago I would go grocery shopping at 2:30pm on a Sunday afternoon. This is possibly one of the worst times to go grocery shopping. The aisles are full and the shelves are not fully stocked. Shopping at a busy store was very aggravating for me. There were back ups in the aisles and at the check out. Someone always seemed to be blocking the items that I needed to get. I always felt rushed by other customers if I wanted to get out my calculator and compare prices. It was not a pleasant experience.
Now I shop at 8:00am on Saturday morning. At the stores that I shop at this has turned out to be the best time for me. The stores are pretty empty and the shelves are stocked or in the process of being stocked. I don't feel the pressure to keep going and mindlessly throw things in my cart. I can take the time to make sure I am getting the best deal on each item that I am purchasing. Another bonus, the check out lines are usually really short or empty. Getting to the store early does require that I wake up early on a Saturday, for some this might be a huge sacrifice. For me, I willingly sacrifice a little sleep to have a major weekend task taken care of by 9:00am. I get to cross something off the to-do list. I start that weekend off feeling accomplished.
9. Shop Alone.
I don't go grocery shopping with my husband. I go alone. When we first got married, we would tackle this chore together. We would go up and down each aisles and throw in the cart whatever we wanted. Our average grocery bill was about $115 a week. The bad thing is that we were not actually buying items for meals, we were just buying what looked good.We would have to come back later in the week to purchased items that we needed. That is a waste of time and money.
Now I go shopping alone with my little list. I have taken the time to plan our meals. I know what ingredients I already have on hand and what items I need to purchase. Only one impulse purchase finds the way into my cart each week. I allow myself only one item per week that is not on my list. Going alone means that there is not someone else there to pressure you into buying more stuff that you don't need. My total each week comes out to an average of $60 per week. That is a $55 savings!
I hope this post has been helpful! Be sure to check back for other money saving tips and recipes!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
New Hobby: Strategic Shopping Part 1

You may have seen the show "Extreme Couponing." In that show,people buy hundreds of dollars of groceries for under $10. That is not me. I do like to save money. I have reached between 25% to 50% savings on my grocery bill. Unlike those "Extreme Couponng" people, I am not filling my cart with hundreds of rolls of toilet paper or tons of mustard, just because it is a good deal. I don't have a huge stockpile of items. I am not hording stuff. I have about five cans of pasta sauce, three bottles of body wash, and two bottles of laundry detergent. Just enough on hand to replace the items that we use on a regular basis.
A few people have asked me for some of my savings tips. So here are a few tips I use to save!
1. Read Your Store Flyers
Get a hold of your local areas grocery store flyers. I shop pretty consistently at Kroger, but I do also look at flyers for ALDI and Remke. Don't forget to look at flyers for KMart, Walmart, and Target. Good deals can be found there as well. Most grocery stores and discount stores offer their weekly flyers online at their website. Get on their e-mail list and they will send their sale ads directly to you.
2.Join Store Loyalty Club
I know it can be a pain to fill out all those information cards at the store. Those three minutes it takes to fill out the card can translate to lots of savings. In my local area Kroger and Remke offer discounts on gas for shopping in their stores. Bonus savings! Yahoo! Kroger also sends personalized coupons to me in the mail based on the products that I buy. Some stores even have electronic coupons that you can add directly onto your loyalty club card. When you purchase the items and scan your card, the savings come off directly at the register.
3. Plan your Meal
Each week I plan my meals. I look through my cupboards, fridge, and freezer to see what items I have on hand. I compiled a list of meals that my husband and I enjoy eating. A few times a month I try a new recipe and add it to the list if we enjoyed it.
Each week,I look on our schedule to see what events we have coming up and plan meals accordingly. On Tuesdays my husband works the late shift. Usually a crock pot meal is planned for that day. I can pop it in before I leave for work and it is ready before my husband leaves for work! On Wednesday we have small group at church, I plan a simple dinner of sandwiches or salad on that night.
Planning meals is very helpful. You don't have to think about what to serve for dinner, the decisions have already been made. This will cut down on extra trips to the grocery store or through the fast food line.
4. Combine Sales and Coupons for Savings
Combing sales and coupons can mean big savings for you.For example, a few week ago a name brand laundry detergent was on sale at CVS for $1.98. That is a HUGE deal to begin with. Then I also had a $1.00 off coupon for the same laundry detergent. That means I got a full size, name brand laundry detergent for $.98 plus a little tax! That is a great deal.
You might be saying, "I don't have time to look through all my coupons and all the flyers to do the match ups!" You don't have to! There are plenty of websites that do that work for you.
Coupon Mom: She offers a coupon deal site divided by state and
store. So you can search your local store. She also offers the
coupon/sale matchups for national chains such as Walmart,
Target, CVS, and Walgreens.
Cincinnati Coupons: This site offers local store matchups. She
also posts online deals and freebies!
Money Saving Mom: This site offers coupon matchups, recipes,
money saving tips, and fun ideas.
5. Don't Clip Coupons
Coupons are a big part of my savings plan, but I don't clip them all and try to organize them. I just don't have the time to do that. So each Sunday when I get the the paper, I take out the coupon inserts, write the date on top and put them in my coupon drawer. That is it!
Each week I go to the coupon match up sites to see what items I might want to purchase. For example the website will look something like this:
Old Spice
$1.00 off/1 item (PG 5/1/11)
So if I want to purchase Old Spice, I will look in my P & G coupon inserts for May 1st, 2011 for that coupon. Easy! Easy! Easy! That way I am not spending hours clipping and organizing coupons. Just clip what I need.
There are three main coupon inserts. There is Red Plum, Smart Source, and P&G. Most of the websites will use the following abbreviations for the coupons: RP(Red Plumb) SS(Smart Source) and PG (Proctor and Gamble).
That is the end of part 1. Be on the lookout for part 2!
:D Emily
Saturday, April 23, 2011
April Update
Happy April!
I have been pretty busy making post-it note holders.
Here are a couple video tutorials!
My parents came for a little visit!
We took then to Findlay Market, our favorite spot for brunch!
Michael enjoying a ham and cheese crepe!
My Dad trying Jambalaya!
The most delicious waffles in Cincinnati!
We went to the kite festival! The weather was amazing! It was 85 degrees with a breeze!
Michael made a kite again this year. It was super windy during the kite festival. It was just too much for Michael's poor little kite!
Have a happy Easter everyone!
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