Sunday, October 17, 2010

80 degrees in October?

 Growing up in Vermont I never really appreciated the wonderful autumn weather. The cool crisp mornings. The comfy sweaters! Here in Cincinnati the weather does not seem to understand the concept of cool and crisp! In fact, I am wearing shorts and flip flops today. It's getting a little bit ridiculous!  

Anyway, I decided to enjoy a little autumn fun, even if the weather isn't cooperating!
 A family in our neighborhood set this up on their lawn! I couldn't fit the giant spider in the picture! So fun!
 The apples waiting for the caramel! Finding the caramel candies was practically impossible. When I did find them I let out a triumphant " Ah ha!" right in the middle of the grocery store!
 This treat is brought to you by the letters C and A ( Candy Corn, Caramel and Apples)

 A few pumpkins for my trifle bowl!

Thanks to my ultra tall husband for tacking this up above the kitchen cabinets!


  1. Those candies apples look so yummy;-D

  2. I can smell the sweetness. Yummm.
    I need you altra tall hubby to hang my quilt:)
    Thank you for your comment on my blog, hubby just wanted me to say he taught me everything I know LOL.
